It seems there is always a new tool to make handling a workers compensation claim that much easier. Remember were we had cardboard wheels to assess future dates?
The newest tool in the chest would appear to be the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and using predictive analytics to aid you in managing that file. We all know that the workers compensation claims file landscape is changing, rules are always changed or added and with each additional legislative session, who knows what will come up. Additionally, if you’re that individual like me who likes science fiction movies, artificial intelligence and terminators seem to go hand in glove. But please, do not be afraid.
However, if successfully employed and used appropriately, the successful utilization of these tools can be a huge boon to your handling a claim file. At the outset, with the use of AI and other predictive analytics, this would enable the frontline claim file handler to make informed decisions with the ever-increasing amounts of data provided. Issues such as addressing high-risk claims, sorting out all the demographics and incorporating past medical history can help in flagging that file that has every opportunity to become a particularly challenging situation. There are a number of national tools published outlining the duration of certain injuries, appropriate care, and what could be considered excessive or abusive. Additionally, predictive analytics can easily identify those patterns of behavior that may lead one to a potential fraudulent situation.
We have all heard the phrase “work smarter not harder”, and using these advancing tools (and they appear to change on a daily basis) would most assuredly improve efficiency and mitigate the administrative workload associated. Offloading these burdensome administrative tasks will enable the claim file handler the ability to address those issues which require that personalized touch when the administrative issues are minimized. Additionally, the implementation of AI-driven chatbots and other such “assistants” can ease communication issues, resolve questions that the injured employee might have, and deliver much more accurate information.
To be clear, the future is here, and we all should embrace what is readily available to each of us so as to increase efficiency, decrease burdensome repetitive task, and deliver to the injured individual all appropriate care, treatment and information that makes this an easily resolvable situation. In the off chance there is a potential fraud, it is clearly better to head them off at the pass. Utilizing each of these tools will help the client file handler in navigating all the complexities associated with even the most minor cases and allow this individual to provide all appropriate services in the most efficient manner possible. Embrace the future and make it work for you.